run over

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


run over

  1. haavoittaa, satuttaa, ajaa yli, virrata, läikkyä, levittäytyä, tulvia, ylittää, kuohahtaa yli, valua yli, pursua yli, ryöpytä, suihkuta.

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ajaa yli

valua yli puhekieltä To exceed the allotted time.

The previous presentation ran over and ours had to start late.

To cross by running.

The athletes must run over the bridge to reach the finish line.

puhekieltä To drive over, causing injury or death.

Can you believe somebody would just run over a cat like that?

puhekieltä To describe briefly.

Before we start the project, lets just run over who is doing what.''

puhekieltä To rehearse quickly.

Youd better run over your statement before going on the platform.''

To overflow.

The bath water nearly ran over.

puhekieltä To score a try.
puhekieltä To have rotation in such direction that the crank pin traverses the upper, or front, half of its path in the forward, or outward, stroke; said of a crank which drives, or is driven by, a reciprocating piece.


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